
Hi all, I have created process report type as context type -Tasks assigned to group for the lists of tasks assigned to group(abc,mno,xyz). and when I tried to test through the a!queryProcessAnalytics(report:"my report") it is throwing the error that "Empty context passed in for report sg1 [id=46716]. (APNX-1-4156-000)". even though I have given the report context with list of groups.

Can Anyone suggest on this ?

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Parents Reply
  • No it is giving me the list of manager tasks only. It is not showing maker and checker group tasks.

    If I am taking this correctly, this reply to my question (?) indicates the underlying report in /design does not show anything other than the Manager tasks, so there are no others in the report to pass up via QPA.

    For which we have not confirmed there are any other of these tasks active in the system, for those other 2 groups?  

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