Hi All,
I am creating Process Models, Process Metrics, Task Metrics Reports in the Appian.
and then I am fetchiing the data from the report in the process models and using it.
My query is what is the data retention period of those reports in Appian.
Like how old data it could have and how can we configure this. ?
and is it something manages by the APPIAN DB itself or managed by the organisation.
if by the organisation than where we can find that configuraiton..
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The data you mentioned is backed by the Appian Analytics engines. Data in the engines is kept as defined in the data management tab in process models.
In case you need to persist any reporting relevant data, create separate database tables for it. Then data retention needs to be considered when designing any kind of cleanup processes.
You can use the data management to set the retention of the process data: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/23.1/process-model-object.html#data-management-tab - the data will be available if the process has not been archived or deleted. As indicated in the documentation, you cannot also just let processes live for too long as it will consume memory on your instance.
If you need the process data for reports, you'll need to persist it in a database as Stefan has mentioned.
Thanks Stefan, so let say I am setting data archival in process model under data management table for 7 days that means for every record of that process in the report will stay for 7 days starting from the day on which that entry recorded in report ryt ?
or 7 days will be counted based on the first entry and subsequence process metrics will delete along with that. ?
got it Mathieu, and yeah I am storing that data to the db.
and would you like to give any suggestion to implement it effectively.
Currently the way it works is , it's capturing the data from the report and storing the new enteries in the oracle. could there be any challenge that we might have to face in future with this approach ? Please consider me very new to appian.
Very hard to answer without having the full context. All I can say is that whatever information that you'll want to report on after your process is archived will need to be stored in the database.
In addition to the data that you mentioned, Appian Analytics engines also back the data you mentioned. In process models, data is stored as specified in the data management tab in the engine's configuration.
The storage of any reporting related data may need to be separated from the rest of the data in a separate database table. Whenever designing any kind of data cleanup process, it is important to consider how long the data will be retained.
yeah got it.. thanks alot buddy.
okayss bahib5965 thanks alot for the info will keep this in my mind.