131788 - no subject - I'm trying to come up with a report of p

I'm trying to come up with a report of process models and their current designer (not creator, but that last person who published). Is this possible? The use case is that we need to disable the user accounts of some former process model designers and we want to make sure they are no longer the designer on any models.

I tried pm!designer but that doesn't seem to work....


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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    I'm not sure how to get this field (although it displays as the "Author" if you go to the Versions grid on the process model details, this is not much help when you want to look at every process model.) But one simple fix for your use case would be to export your application(s), and re-import them as "Administrator", which would re-publish every process model in the application(s) as Administrator, ensuring all nodes that run as designer will run correctly after your former designers are deactivated.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    I'm not sure how to get this field (although it displays as the "Author" if you go to the Versions grid on the process model details, this is not much help when you want to look at every process model.) But one simple fix for your use case would be to export your application(s), and re-import them as "Administrator", which would re-publish every process model in the application(s) as Administrator, ensuring all nodes that run as designer will run correctly after your former designers are deactivated.
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