163178 - no subject - Has anyone had trouble with getting resu

Has anyone had trouble with getting results from a getportalreportdatasubet[] within a process model?
We are using it to get the task id's for user reassignmnet, when ran independently we get the results as expected. When ran as the sub process (from the parent process) no results are found.
Thinking it was a timeout issue we placed the the report within an expression rule but saw no differences.

Another weird thing is if we restart the process -and change no variables- it will return the variables we want.
Any suggestions?

pagingInfo: topaginginfo(1,-1),
contextIds: {},
filters: {
{field: "3", operator: "LIKE", value: pv!DelegationProcessSubType_Txt},
{field: "7", operator: "LIKE", value: pv!originalAssigneeUsername},
{field: "9", operator: "EQUAL", value: "RM Exception Submission"}


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  • Hello - I was actually able to resolve this yesterday. It was a timing issue of the input/output variables being populated. When ran as a sub-process the input variable was populated after the output variable causing us to have zero results from the report. However when the process was ran independently the input variable was populated before the output variable and results were as expected. We simply split the variables into two nodes and our issue was resolved.
    Thank you all for the help!
  • @ashleyb Great.!! So far I haven't seen any problems (apart from performance) with getportalreportdatasubset in the rigorous implementations we made. Thanks for the update.
  • Hi sikhivahans,
    We have requirement in which the task will be assigned to multiple users and we are trying to get the appian id based on user using a!queryProcessAnalytics function.The query returns the data but we are not able to save the value in a process variable.

    Could you please let us know if we missed out anything.
    Thanks in advance!
  • @chandhinir Hi, sure, could you please answer the following few questions:

    1. What is the data type of the process variable that you are finally saving the results into?
    2. May I please know if the process is being run under the basic user or system administrator's context? If it's being run under basic user's context I would like to suggest to run the same under system administrator's context to debug the issue from the security perspective.
    3. May I please know if you are saying that the results are being retrieved by executing the a!queryProcessAnalytics() in the standard expression editor which is outside the context of the process?
  • Q1:Text with multiple
    Q2:The process runs under the administrator context
    Q3:I have tested the a!queryProcessAnalytics using expression rule and the results are returned.When I call the same expression rule in the script task, I am getting null values
  • @chandhinir May I please know how you are doing it in process? I am interested to know if you have chosen the input of type PortalReportDataSubset, assigning the analytics results to it and then populating the PV by making use of ACP or did you write entire expression in the output and directly saving the result into PV?