We have a Task Report which uses a!queryProcessAnalytics(). On our Production instance, this report is unable to retrieve results

We have a Task Report which uses a!queryProcessAnalytics(). On our Production instance, this report is unable to retrieve results due to receiving the following error: "The report generation was cancelled by the system after 3890 ms. The time limit for generating a report is 2000 ms. (APNX-1-4275-008)]".

Our Production instance has a very large amount of Tasks. I found another note on the forum which mentioned to increase the timeout on the "server.conf.processcommon.MAXIMUM_REPORT_MS". Is this still recommended for 7.11 and if so, are there any potential drawbacks to increasing this timeout? Or, is there a better way to have a report handle a Task Report with a very large amount of data?

Thanks in advance.


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  • @johng Hi, did you consider retrieving the results in batches? In this case, you don't actually need to increase the timeout duration settings.
  • Also, look at the report definition itself to improve its performance. Check the performance view to see which columns take the majority of time to generate.
  • Thanks for your responses. For retrieving the data in batches, I assume you are referring to the local!pagingInfo parameter? If so, I am using this parameter both within the a!query() and within the a!save() portion of the field where users select that they want to see Task data.
  • I think I found out a way around this. Within my Task Portal Report on the "Filters" tab, I updated the "Started within the last" parameter to 90 days. I think this might be a better solution with the large amount of Task data contained within our Prod environment.
  • @johng Yep, earlier I was referring to pagingInfo while talking about batches.

    As per my understanding, in this case, you may be experiencing an issue with the Portal Report object but not with the Tempo Task Report object(as you retrieve the records in batches when you are querying the analytics). If my understanding is correct, then I would leave to Appian's core team to comment on the consequences of increasing the limit of server.conf.processcommon.MAXIMUM_REPORT_MS.

    If you are further interested in this topic, I would suggest exploring the documentation at https://forum.appian.com/suite/help/16.2/Report_Performance_Details.html just in case if you haven't gone through this. I see that you have applied a filter namely 'Started within the last' and limited the results, so I assume that you are aware that the data filtered in the report can't be queried by functions such as a!queryProcessAnalytics(), fn!getportalreportdatasubset() etc.
  • For reference, we've had our server.conf.processcommon.MAXIMUM_REPORT_MS setting increased for a number of years now (to 10000), the only side effect has been user experience (up to 10 second loading) - but there are less complaints about wait times than there are about reports completely not loading :)
  • Hi All, We have All Task Report iin production where we have 70000 rows, outt of which 9000 are of in Assigned and Accepted state..... We have this report in SAIL, and when we try to apply filter by Assigned to Filter, then it does not fetches any result, and at backend we have observed that, time out error for report. How we can resolve this error.

    Note: We are fetching the records in batches.