Error Build Maven - I am bserving in the project some errors related to Maven with a text like Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM

I am bserving in the project some errors related to Maven with a text like Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM

So, I try to request an Update Maven Project in Eclipse
becouse Appain Document states To perform this update, we must go to the project root in Eclipse and press ALT + F5, which will request an Update Maven Project. When the pop-up window shows up, we can also mark the option Force Update of Snapshots/Releases to be even more sure.

However, I am getting an error below.
"Help document /de.jcup.sqleditor/html/open-label-reference.html cannot be opened."

I have no idea what is open-label-reference.html.

Could you tell me what I should do to resolve it?

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Parents Reply
  • To explain the reason in a nutshell, it is necessary to synchronize the database existing in MS Access and the database of Appian by some kind of trigger.

    The business where I am driving the Appian implementation uses MS Access to manage all the data and information used in the business.The business that we are going to introduce Appian this time is one of many business, and it is necessary to temporarily operate Appian and MS Access in parallel as business management tools.

    My current task is to verify whether MS Access'DB and Appian'DB can be linked.As far as I have researched Appian, I think it is difficult to link data between MS Access and Appian in low code.Therefore, I am investigating whether it is possible to realize this data linkage by hard coding with java.

    Thank you.

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