Doubts Regarding create robot in Appian?

Certified Lead Developer


I'm learning Appian RPA tutorial.

I'm trying to create a Robot for ParseExcel Example. I have few doubts while creating a robot.

1. What kind of permissions we need to add there? ( I added my mail id which is registered for Appian is that correct)

2. I installed java in my local system and set in Environment variable also. Do we need to provide the Path here or is it fine to leave it blank?

3. I added my email id which is used for Appian community login in permission and added my local system JRE Path in JRE Path. Downloaded and installed the exe file. 

After click on ok The Robot showing offline.

4. If I execute as per following the document it is not working. Below is the execution log 

Below is the tutorial document I followed.


Please guide me where I went wrong.


Sadhu Surendra.

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  • Hi Sadhu!

    To answer your questions;

    1. Permission tags are used to set user access to the robot, as well as Credentials and Workflows in the Appian RPA console. Since you are an administrator, the permission tag can be anything (e.g. roleoperation). Learn more about permission tags here.

    2. The JRE path would only need to be defined if you installed Java in a different location than the system default. If you did not install Java in a different location, this could be the reason for your issue.

    3. Same answer as #1.

    In your case, permission tags would not impact you. The issue most likely stems from the defined JRE path and Java. I would recommend you remove the Environment variable and delete/create a new robot from the Operations Console. For guidance, you can check out the documentation for creating a robot and setting up the agent. Lastly, check to make sure the agent is running on your host machine to confirm. 

    Hope this helps!

  • Hi Sadhu!

    To answer your questions;

    1. Permission tags are used to set user access to the robot, as well as Credentials and Workflows in the Appian RPA console. Since you are an administrator, the permission tag can be anything (e.g. roleoperation). Learn more about permission tags here.

    2. The JRE path would only need to be defined if you installed Java in a different location than the system default. If you did not install Java in a different location, this could be the reason for your issue.

    3. Same answer as #1.

    In your case, permission tags would not impact you. The issue most likely stems from the defined JRE path and Java. I would recommend you remove the Environment variable and delete/create a new robot from the Operations Console. For guidance, you can check out the documentation for creating a robot and setting up the agent. Lastly, check to make sure the agent is running on your host machine to confirm. 

    Hope this helps!
