Upload Multi Document Validation Failed 17.1

I have a function that works great with 7.11 but when we converted to 17.1. I get a Text into type FieldLayout error. I have tried puting the Text in a local but it is the isnull function(i beleave) that is wanting to covert it to a FieldLayout. In the Rule i have with the Attached code works great but when i add it to the Interface to validate the files and run it in Tempo it fails not sure what i am doing wrong or why it is trying to turn the Text in to a FieldLayout type.

Error: Expression evaluation error in rule 'nml_fileextensionvalidation' (called by rule 'nml_ui') at function 'or': Invalid index: Cannot index property 'uploadedDocumentName' of type Text into type FieldLayout
Code: is Attached

Any help word be appreciated!


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