Upload Multi Document Validation Failed 17.1

I have a function that works great with 7.11 but when we converted to 17.1. I get a Text into type FieldLayout error. I have tried puting the Text in a local but it is the isnull function(i beleave) that is wanting to covert it to a FieldLayout. In the Rule i have with the Attached code works great but when i add it to the Interface to validate the files and run it in Tempo it fails not sure what i am doing wrong or why it is trying to turn the Text in to a FieldLayout type.

Error: Expression evaluation error in rule 'nml_fileextensionvalidation' (called by rule 'nml_ui') at function 'or': Invalid index: Cannot index property 'uploadedDocumentName' of type Text into type FieldLayout
Code: is Attached

Any help word be appreciated!


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I put more details in the other thread linked in the prior comment, but the 17.1 issue boils down to the fact that the background properties returned by "a!fileUploadField" are different when viewed in the 17.1 front-end; and more confusingly, they still look the "old" way in the 17.1 interface designer, only the in-task rendering uses the new style so far. The rule I attached in the other thread contains code which will check for either and should work in both cases.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I put more details in the other thread linked in the prior comment, but the 17.1 issue boils down to the fact that the background properties returned by "a!fileUploadField" are different when viewed in the 17.1 front-end; and more confusingly, they still look the "old" way in the 17.1 interface designer, only the in-task rendering uses the new style so far. The rule I attached in the other thread contains code which will check for either and should work in both cases.
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