Feature Request: 'Create an Expression Rule' from /designer

Certified Lead Developer

Feature Request:

When using 'Create an Expression Rule' control from /designer interface, the current rule folder is ignored when saving the new expression rule (unlike when saving a new Interface created in the same manner).  The Expression Rule behavior should be consistent, and pre-populate the current rule folder from the rule folders browser, and would therefore save a lot of hassle in some use cases especially when the folder in question is named similarly to lots of other rule folders in the system and nested deeply within a rule folders hierarchy.


(second feature request: a "feature request" sub-category in Appian Community, or some other official way to submit feature requests without needing to open a support case)

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  • Hi Mike,

    Design objects should be created from Appian Designer and not the Rules tab in /designer for several reasons:
    - Objects created in /designer are not automatically added to your application and could be forgotten during a deployment
    - The Rules tab will be removed in a future Appian release

    When creating an expression rule from Appian Designer, the parent folder is pre-populated when the system can make a smart recommendation. Additionally, in Appian 17.3, we have added Rule Folder browsing in Appian Designer. Expression rules created within a folder view in Appian Designer will have the current folder pre-populated as its parent!

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Kevin Gajewski
    I understand that /designer is going to gradually get taken away in future releases, but for the moment there are plenty of valid use cases where I want to create a new expression rule A) without adding it to any app at all (let alone any in particular) up-front, and sometimes B) without saving it, especially right away and possibly not ever.

    Being able to add a new expression rule straight to an app in /design is nice and all, but it's hugely restrictive.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt
    Use this url to create a rule/interface without saving and not having to associate to an App first:
    for rule - https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/suite/design/rule
    for interface - https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/suite/design/interface