Need to Search if Child Group or User present under Parent Group

How to search if the searchable group/user  is a part of parent group

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  • Hi Lokesh,

    Basically we can't able to serach both User & Group at the same time, so you have to use the two diffenrent funtions as mentioned below:

    For Searching the User presented in the group, you can use the "isusermemberofgroup(username, groupId)" function, it returns the boolean result, if user existed in group, it returns true(),other than it returns false().
    For checking the members group, use the "getmembergroups(parentGroup)" ,This function will return the member groups of a specified group, or null if no groups are members.

    If you want in both in single fuctionality, you have to use the third party plugin
    Returns the function " getgroupbyname() & getgroupmemberuserspaging()"

    Hope this helpful
  • Hi Lokesh,

    Basically we can't able to serach both User & Group at the same time, so you have to use the two diffenrent funtions as mentioned below:

    For Searching the User presented in the group, you can use the "isusermemberofgroup(username, groupId)" function, it returns the boolean result, if user existed in group, it returns true(),other than it returns false().
    For checking the members group, use the "getmembergroups(parentGroup)" ,This function will return the member groups of a specified group, or null if no groups are members.

    If you want in both in single fuctionality, you have to use the third party plugin
    Returns the function " getgroupbyname() & getgroupmemberuserspaging()"

    Hope this helpful