Get Expression rule by name

Hi there,


does anybody know whether it possible to get an expression rule by its name?

Problem context:
In my application (software request), I want to maintain software.
Some software needs to be approved before installation.
I am thinking about designing the (sometimes complex) rules for identifying the approval user groups in terms of expression rules.
(Doing this with decision tables is not possible since I need a CDT as rule input)
These rules would then be referenced by name as an attribute of the software CDT.
Within the software request process, I then want to get the referenced expression rule and execute it to get the approval group to forward the approval task to.

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  • I have accomplished something similar to this in the past by utilizing Appian's externalize() and internalize() functions.


    1. Use externalize(rule!someExpression)
      1. Do not put the parenthesis for your expression in this function
    2. Store this string in your CDT to reference later.  For this example, I would store it in ri!softwareCDT.externalizedString
    3. To call this expression: internalize(ri!softwareCDT.externalizedString)(input1: "ABC", input2: "XYZ")

    This should execute the rule reference you have stored as a string in your CDT.

    There may be some extra challenges you face, but this is the basic concept.

  • I have accomplished something similar to this in the past by utilizing Appian's externalize() and internalize() functions.


    1. Use externalize(rule!someExpression)
      1. Do not put the parenthesis for your expression in this function
    2. Store this string in your CDT to reference later.  For this example, I would store it in ri!softwareCDT.externalizedString
    3. To call this expression: internalize(ri!softwareCDT.externalizedString)(input1: "ABC", input2: "XYZ")

    This should execute the rule reference you have stored as a string in your CDT.

    There may be some extra challenges you face, but this is the basic concept.
