ignore case sensitive in Query Entity

Hello all,

We are retrieving a row data from Database using query entity. 

In query filter we have a condition to get a row data.


field: "name",
operator: "=",
value: ri!name

Database having name value as "Arunkumar" I need to get the row data irrespective of case sensitive like (ri!name = "arunkumar" or "ArunKumar" or "ARUNKUMAR")

Any suggestion on this !!! 


Arunkumar C

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  • Hi Arun,

    On which database you are? Are you on cloud? For example in MySQL or SQL SERVER depending on the collation it could be case sensitive or not. In Oracle I don’t remember a configuration like that.

    Si if you are in the situation that you cannot change configuration maybe from the beginning you need to make sure to make the value upper case so you know when looking for it you search for it as upper case. In case you need the information to be displayed human friendly the options are to have a second field or to calculate the upper case on a view for example. Thinking about query performance my first option would be to save it as upper case and when displaying it just make it human readable.

    Hope this helps


  • Hi Arun,

    On which database you are? Are you on cloud? For example in MySQL or SQL SERVER depending on the collation it could be case sensitive or not. In Oracle I don’t remember a configuration like that.

    Si if you are in the situation that you cannot change configuration maybe from the beginning you need to make sure to make the value upper case so you know when looking for it you search for it as upper case. In case you need the information to be displayed human friendly the options are to have a second field or to calculate the upper case on a view for example. Thinking about query performance my first option would be to save it as upper case and when displaying it just make it human readable.

    Hope this helps

