I have a query entity returns set of data.
I called this rule inside an user interface and mapped it to local!variable.
When i test the rule alone, then exact data is retrieved, but i called it in UI and run, there has been some data missing like if i am looking for 1,3,5,7,9 only 1,3,5,7 are coming.
Please guide me if i miss anything
/*if(and(isnull(ri!dispositionActId),isnull(ri!fiscalYear)),{},*/ a!queryEntity( entity: cons!CTRS_TL7_ENTITY_V_CLOSED_FORMAL_CASE, query: a!query( selection:if( rule!CTRS_UTILITY_RULE_checkisNull(ri!selection),{}, ri!selection ), logicalexpression: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: "TL7_R_DISPOSITION_ACT_ID", operator: "=", value: ri!dispositionActId ), a!queryFilter( field: "FISCAL_YEAR", operator: "=", value: ri!fiscalYear ) }, ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true ), pagingInfo: if( isnull( ri!pagingInfo ), a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "TL7_V_CLOSED_FORMAL_CASE_ID", ascending: true ) ), ri!pagingInfo ) ), fetchTotalCount: true )
a!localVariables( local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 10, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "DATE_FILED", ascending: false() ) ), local!closedFormalComplaintsData: rule!CTRS_TL7_QE_V_getClosedFormalCaseData( dispositionActId: ri!dispositionActid, pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo ), local!complainsAggregateData: rule!CTRS_TL7_QE_V_getClosedFormalCaseDataCount( dispositionActId: ri!dispositionActid, ).data, { a!paragraphField(value: local!closedFormalComplaintsData.data.CLOSURE_REASON), a!gridField( label: union( index( index( local!closedFormalComplaintsData, "data", "" ), "CLOSURE_REASON", {} ), index( index( local!closedFormalComplaintsData, "data", "" ), "CLOSURE_REASON", {} ) ), labelPosition: "ABOVE", data: local!closedFormalComplaintsData, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "#", value: fv!identifier ), a!gridColumn( label: "Discrimination Agency", value: fv!row.agency, sortField: "AGENCY" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Formal Case Number", value: a!linkField( links: a!recordLink( label: fv!row.FORMAL_CASE_NUMBER, recordType: cons!CTRS_TL7_REC_CASE, identifier: fv!row.TL7_CASE_ID ) ) ), a!gridColumn( label: "Complainant name", value: fv!row.COMPLAINANT_NAME, sortField: "COMPLAINANT_NAME" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Formal Date", value: fv!row.DATE_FILED, sortField: "DATE_FILED" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Total Days", value: fv!row.DAYS, sortField: "DAYS" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Closure Date", value: fv!row.DATE_CLOSED, sortField: "DATE_CLOSED" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Comments", value: a!richTextDisplayField( value: a!richTextIcon( icon: "commenting", caption: if( isnull( fv!row.COMMENTS ), "N/A", fv!row.COMMENTS ) ) ), sortField: "COMMENTS" ) }, pagingSaveInto: local!pagingInfo, /*pageSize: 5*/ ), a!gridField( label: "Average", data: local!complainsAggregateData, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Number of Days", sortField: "TOTAL_DAYS", value: fv!row.TOTAL_DAYS, align: "END" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Number of Records", sortField: "RECORD_COUNT", value: fv!row.RECORD_COUNT, align: "END" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Average Days", sortField: "AVERAGE_DAYS", value: fv!row.AVERAGE_DAYS, align: "END" ) } ) } )
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I can see you are passing the paging size as 10 in UI, might be because of this you may not be able to see the data which you can see in the rule by passing the a!pagingInfo(1,-1). Try testing the interface by increasing the paging size.