EUC Excel Agg Output Template.xlsxEUC Excel.xlsx
I have a requirement to read excel file and perform some aggregations on excel data.
I have created an expression rule to do the logic after parsing excel data to cdt but not working as expected.
no issue in reading /parsing excel data
Rule1 -
a!localVariables( local!hg: a!forEach( items: ri!excelData, expression: append( ri!newList, rule!EUC_CalculateGroupbyName( excelData: fv!item, newList: ri!newList ) ) ), ri!newList)
Rule 2-
a!localVariables( if( and( not( isnull( ri!newList ) ), length(wherecontains( ri!excelData.Name, ri!newList.Name )) > 0 ), updatearray( ri!newList, wherecontains( ri!excelData.Name, ri!newList.Name ), { Name: ri!excelData.Name, Total: dollar(sum( if(isnull(ri!newList.Amount_1),0,ri!newList.Amount_1), if(isnull(index(ri!newList,wherecontains( ri!excelData.Name, ri!newList.Name )).Amount_1),0,index(ri!newList,wherecontains( ri!excelData.Name, ri!newList.Name )).Amount_1) )) } ), append( ri!newList, 'type!{urn:com:appian:types}EUC_ExcelData'( Name: ri!excelData.Name, Total: dollar( if( isnull( ri!excelData.Amount_1 ), 0, ri!excelData.Amount_1 ) ) ) ) ))
test data
{{Name: "Ptrick",Month: "JULY" ,Amount_1: "$98",Amount_2: "$987",
},{Name: "Ptrick",Month: "JULY" ,Amount_1: "$18"},{Name: "jhgf",Month: "JULY" ,Amount_1: "$170",Amount_2: "$987",
},{Name: "jhgf",Month: "JULY" ,Amount_1: "$90"
output should groupby name
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got the output