I have a requirement where i need to query ids with approvedOn date greater than or equal to (today - 5) business days.
What i have in place is working only for equal to but not for greater than.
Any inputs?
index( rule!ACO_getCdt( entity: cons!TEST, type: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:occrcl}Test?list', fields: {"transactionId"}, filters: { rule!ACO_filterEquals(field:"transactionId", value: 501), rule!ACO_filterEquals(field:"isApproved", value:true), rule!ACO_filterEquals(field:"actionId", value:cons!OCC_RCL_REF_TRANSACTION_ACTION_APPROVE_RECLASS_ID), /*constant has -5 value*/ rule!ACO_filterGreaterThanOrEqualTo(field:"approvedOn", value: gmt(todatetime(workday(rule!ACO_today(), cons!OCC_RCL_AWAITING_APPROVAL_FINAL_NOTIFICATION_REMINDER_DAYS)))), rule!ACO_filterLessThanOrEqualTo(field:"approvedOn", value: gmt(todatetime(workday(rule!ACO_today(), cons!OCC_RCL_AWAITING_APPROVAL_FINAL_NOTIFICATION_REMINDER_DAYS))) + intervalds(23,59,59)) } ), "transactionId", {} ) ================================ rule!ACO_filterGreaterThanOrEqualTo(): rule!ACO_queryFilter( field: ri!field, operator: ">=", value: ri!value )
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These steps might help you pinpoint if there is an issue on the database side or the custom SAIL code side.
Hello Scoot,
thanks for the response.
Even when i used general a!queryfilter function inside a!queryentity,
rule!ACO_queryFilter( field: ri!field, operator: ">=", value: gmt(todatetime(workday(rule!ACO_today(), -5)))),
I am only getting exact today - 5 which is 10/08/2020 records but i also want to query which are in-prior like 10/7/2020,10/06/2020 etc.
Greater than equal operator is not returning the values when applied to field
1. solution use execute stored procedure it will help you.
2. I think the issue you faced is because of datatype of the field approvedOn. I think you have selected it as a string. Please try with datatype date for approvedOn field in this case it must work.
Hope it will help you identify problem
You still need to test this using a straight OOTB queryEntity and queryFilter rule call, because we have no way of knowing, nor any reasonable hope of troubleshooting, the contents of your code constructor functions like rule!ACO_queryFilter.
You also didn't really answer Scott's question, as far as I can tell: is the DB field you're querying on a DATE or DATETIME type? This makes a huge difference when we get into the particulars of querying like this.
If you do want rows that are prior/earlier than the date in the value, then you need your operator to be less than (<=), not greater than (>=).
You are right Scott, i just figured <= alone is enough to do the job.
Thank you so much for the response.
No problem, sometimes it helps a lot to have another pair of eyes with a fresh look at the problem!