IDP and machine learning

Certified Lead Developer


I have successfully installed the IDP application into my environment and amended the invoice CDT to capture currency which is is required in the 3 digit iso standard (e.g. USD, EUR, GBP). 

The invoice documents however record this in a number of different ways for example by symbol ($, € or £),  by name (e.g. EURO) as well as the 3 digit code.

Is it reasonable to assume that over time and given enough examples, the AI will learn to interpret the currency symbol or name as the 3 digit code or will I have to do additional work to convert these values to the ISO standard?

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  • Hey,

    IDP will learn how map the currency key/value pair to the correct Invoice CDT property. So if the currency field on the invoice documents changes format (symbol, digit code, or text), the mapping will be able to correctly identify.

    After the extraction and reconciliation you can write an expression rule that converts the extracted value ($, USD, 840, Dollar) to the ISO standard (USD), which can be called as a Script Task in process.

  • Hey,

    IDP will learn how map the currency key/value pair to the correct Invoice CDT property. So if the currency field on the invoice documents changes format (symbol, digit code, or text), the mapping will be able to correctly identify.

    After the extraction and reconciliation you can write an expression rule that converts the extracted value ($, USD, 840, Dollar) to the ISO standard (USD), which can be called as a Script Task in process.
