Shuffling an array randomly

I have an array of CDTs say questions with question structured as:


id: 1,

statement: "Text string of question",

options: {List of Options}


Like multiple values like the above.

I would like to shuffle this array of questions randomly so that every time I print this array the questions are in no particular order and are different from last time. Example if I pick the array first time it had an order:

1, 4, 2, 5, 3

But next time I pick same array it should be ordered randomly like:

3, 5, 1, 4, 2

Also is there any possible way to implement Rand() ordering in the query like we do in SQL?

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    There are various ways to do this, but anything you do you'll have to build yourself.

    A quick-and-dirty way I just thought of:

    1. use a!forEach to loop over the CDT array and use updateDictionary() to add a new ad-hoc property to each one, i.e. "order", set to the value of a rand() call.  This will give a random decimal between 0 and 1 to all items; they should almost always be unique as far as I know.
    2. Sort the array based on the "order" decimal (use the "toDataSubseet" trick to sort an array of dictionary based on the value of a property).
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    There are various ways to do this, but anything you do you'll have to build yourself.

    A quick-and-dirty way I just thought of:

    1. use a!forEach to loop over the CDT array and use updateDictionary() to add a new ad-hoc property to each one, i.e. "order", set to the value of a rand() call.  This will give a random decimal between 0 and 1 to all items; they should almost always be unique as far as I know.
    2. Sort the array based on the "order" decimal (use the "toDataSubseet" trick to sort an array of dictionary based on the value of a property).
  • Thanks Mike,

    This was a really innovative way to sort and shuffle a large array at low perofromance cost. But I feel that since we have the functionality of fetching randomly sorted records direct from SQL query in MySQL, Appian should incorporate a way to use that functionality as it will save a great coding time and performance load will be reduced.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to adityaamba

    Something like that would need to be built into the a!queryEntity function or one of its components - you could always file a feature request ticket with Appian Support, however I wouldn't expect it to be prioritized anytime soon without a strong use case on your end.

    Out of boredom I went ahead and implemented a standalone function where you input the desired number of items and it returns a randomized list of integer indices 1...N, where we're guaranteed to have no duplicates or missing numbers.  This integer array could then be used to index into any particular array in a randomized manner.

      local!targetSize: 25,
      local!dict: a!forEach(
          integer: fv!index,
          sort: rand()
      local!sorted: todatasubset(
          startIndex: 1, batchSize: -1,
          sort: a!sortInfo(field: "sort", ascending: true())