Hi, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction or ha


I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction or has some info to share. I'll start by saying that we are new to Appian so if possible please keep any replies as simple as possible.

I have a CDT containing several columns of text type data. I'm trying to slice and dice the CDT into various segments to populate form list boxes, this segment of data is always filtered based on the first two columns.In the drop down list box I would like it to display a concatenation of 2 fields from the CDT (neither of which are the fields being filtered on) though the saved value is just one of those two fields.

I need this to be as re-usable as possible as I need to do this dozens of times for each of my processes

CDT: ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC,ColumnD
List box contents are filtered: ColumnA=Z and ColumnB=Y
List box displays concatenated: ColumnC - ColumnD
The saved value: ColumnC

Thanks for any help you can provide....



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