i am getting expression evalution error when i try to excute following snippet of code

entity: cons!CH_ENTITY_Clients,
query: a!query(
filter: a!queryFilter(
field: "cid",
operator: "=",
value: ri!rid,

pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
startIndex: "1",
batchSize: "1"


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  • As Stefan notes, please post a screen shot or copy/paste of the error!  

    Did you delete a column in the DB (vs a row?)  If this occurred you certainly could expect an error without the CDT updated.

    If you deleted a row, this would not cause an error from the code above.  Including that pagingInfo is expecting integer values for startIndex and batchSize, but Appian is converting those types for you (you can remove the quotes). 

  • As Stefan notes, please post a screen shot or copy/paste of the error!  

    Did you delete a column in the DB (vs a row?)  If this occurred you certainly could expect an error without the CDT updated.

    If you deleted a row, this would not cause an error from the code above.  Including that pagingInfo is expecting integer values for startIndex and batchSize, but Appian is converting those types for you (you can remove the quotes). 
