i have used the function calworkdays to obtain the number of working days and i

i have used the function calworkdays to obtain the number of working days and i am obtaining the result in number , how do i get in the format days , minutes and seconds??......



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  • thanks for your response. we understand the aboove expression will display the difference between 2 date & time in Days / Hours / Mins format ..

    However, we want to display the net working time between 2 date and time variables. So we can use either calworkdays() or calworkhours(). e.g. calworkhours(date1, date2, "Calendar")

    But both these funtions returns numeric output. is there a better way to display the Numeric output into Days / Hours / Mins format ?
  • thanks for your response. we understand the aboove expression will display the difference between 2 date & time in Days / Hours / Mins format ..

    However, we want to display the net working time between 2 date and time variables. So we can use either calworkdays() or calworkhours(). e.g. calworkhours(date1, date2, "Calendar")

    But both these funtions returns numeric output. is there a better way to display the Numeric output into Days / Hours / Mins format ?
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