I am making my first attempt at using the 'load' and 'torecord'

I am making my first attempt at using the 'load' and 'torecord' functions in an attempt to load an XML string into a cdt. I believe I have my cdt set up correctly, and I have the script task executing the load/torecord functions successfully, however the cdt is not getting populated.

The expression as I have it formatted is:
'load( local!final:pv!finalGetAutoTransResponseBody_Txt, torecord(local!final,pv!getPreAuthorizedTransfers_CDT))'.

Again, the XML string contained in the process variable 'finalGetAutoTransResponseBody_Txt and the cdt appear to match correctly and the process model runs successfully, but the CDT does not get loaded....



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  • If possible, I recommend defining the data types via the method I defined (Call Web Service smart service). If this is not an option, you can try importing the content between the <xsd: schema> tags in your WSDL file. I recommend these approaches because I sense that your CDT is not getting populated due to discrepancies between your XML response and your current data types that can easily arise when you manually define the data types.
  • If possible, I recommend defining the data types via the method I defined (Call Web Service smart service). If this is not an option, you can try importing the content between the <xsd: schema> tags in your WSDL file. I recommend these approaches because I sense that your CDT is not getting populated due to discrepancies between your XML response and your current data types that can easily arise when you manually define the data types.
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