Hi, I am trying to call web service through Appian function webservic


I am trying to call web service through Appian function webservicequery below is my sample code webservicequery(
wsdlUrl: "localhost:8182/.../MailService
service: "{localhost:8182/}MailService",
port: "MailServiceSOAP",
operation: "{localhost:8182/}MailOperation"
CreateUrlSoapIn: {
real_url: "a@gmail.com~hi~test"

This is a java web service and ~ is the tokenizer used in java code

but it gives the following error
aused by: com.appiancorp.ws.exception.UnsupportedWSDLException: The WSDL cannot be processed. It contains invalid or unsupported elements. Details: Service {localhost:8182/}MailService was not found in the WSDL (APNX-1-4043-001)

I have tried calling it through Appian Smart service its working fine there but in function its giving the above error. It will be great if anybody could help me in this. Thanks in A...



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