Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Rule Input "address": Could not cast from Number (Integer) to AT_address. Details: CastInvalid

local!locationsList:rule!AT_getAddresses(addressId: null), -- getting an error at this line.
label: "Address",
contents: {
label: "Radio Buttons",
labelPosition: "COLLAPSED",
choiceLabels: local!locationsList,
choiceValues: local!locationsList,
saveInto: {},
choiceLayout: "STACKED",
validations: {}

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Parents Reply
  • In the first code you entered the `addressId` as NULL. Was this just for posting here or is it genuinely NULL? With Ids entered do you still have the issue?

     --- I am still getting an error message if I replace NULL with any value.

    Also, is there an `address` field in the AT_address CDT? If so, what is the data type in both the CDT and the database?

    -- There is no 'address' field/column in the AT_address CDT.
