Hi Experts,
I have 2 filters, one is custom picker EMPID and another is checkbox to "Show current month data", below are the steps i am performing to filter the data:
->Uncheck the check box & then search for an EMPID which is not of current month so that EMPID result shows up
->Now check the "Show current month data" check box & so that the search result cleared off
->Again search for the same EMPID number & no result found shows up in when its checked (Working as expected as its not current month EMPID,)
->Uncheck the "Show current month data" check box & then search again for same EMPID
No result found even after page refreshes with "Show current month data" check box unchecked
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Can you provide some code snippets you use?
I am using CustomPicker Interface inside main interface :
rule!CustomPicker( pickerLabel: "Emp Id", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", placeholder: "--- Search EMP ID ---", maxSelections: 1, identifiers: touniformstring(local!empIDFilter), choiceLabels: touniformstring(local!empIDFilter), selectedValue: touniformstring(local!empId), saveInto: { local!empId })
a!pickerFieldCustom( label: ri!pickerLabel, labelPosition: ri!labelPosition, required: ri!isRequired, placeholder: ri!placeholder, instructions: ri!instructions, maxSelections: ri!maxSelections, readOnly: ri!isReadOnly, requiredMessage: ri!requiredMessage, helpTooltip: ri!helpTooltip, validations: ri!validations, disabled: ri!isDisabled, showWhen: ri!isShowWhen, suggestFunction: rule!CustomPickerSuggestion( filter: _, labels: ri!choiceLabels, idenifiers: ri!identifiers ), selectedLabels: if( count( if( isnull( ri!type ), wherecontains( ri!selectedValue, ri!identifiers ), wherecontains( cast( ri!type, ri!selectedValue ), cast( ri!type, ri!identifiers ) ) ) )<1, null, a!forEach( items: ri!selectedValue, expression: rule!getArrayPickerLabel( identifier: tostring(fv!item), labels: touniformstring(ri!choiceLabels), identifiers: touniformstring(ri!identifiers) ) ) ), value: if( count( if( isnull( ri!type ), wherecontains( ri!selectedValue, ri!identifiers ), wherecontains( cast( ri!type, ri!selectedValue ), cast( ri!type, ri!identifiers ) ) ) )>0, ri!selectedValue, null ), saveInto: { a!save( ri!saveInto, rule!ArrayPickerRemoveDuplicate( array: save!value ) ), ri!additionalSave } )
with( local!matches: where( apply( search( ri!filter, _ ), ri!labels ) ), 'type!{http://www.appian.com/ae/types/2009}DataSubset'( data: index( ri!labels, local!matches, {} ), identifiers: index( ri!idenifiers, local!matches, {} ) ) )
I do not see where your checkbox with the date filter would come into play. Can you somehow show how the data changes during your interaction? Did you all the related locals and rule inputs for plausibility?
There is a typo in the rule CustomPickerSuggestion the rule input "idenifiers" misses a "t".
Hi ,
I am passing month and year in the grid data expression rule and filter data expression rule.
please check the below code
a!localVariables( local!ShowcurrentMonth: true, a!columnsLayout( columns:{ a!columnLayout( contents: { rule!MA_CustomPicker( pickerLabel: "Emp Id", labelPosition: "JUSTIFIED", placeholder: "--- Search EMP ID ---", maxSelections: 1, identifiers: touniformstring(local!empIDFilter), choiceLabels: touniformstring(local!empIDFilter), selectedValue: touniformstring(local!empId), saveInto: { local!empId } ), } ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!checkboxField( label: "", choiceLabels: { "Show Current Month Data" }, choiceValues: { true }, value: if( or( local!ShowcurrentMonth, ri!ClickedTileNumber > 0 ), true, null ), saveInto: { a!save( local!ShowcurrentMonth, if( isnull( save!value ), false, true ) ), a!save( local!empId, null ) }, disabled: if( ri!ClickedTileNumber > 0, true, false ) ) } ) } ) )
ri!ClickedTileNumber is numeric type which contains value from 1 to 8
idenifiers is written like this in other rule, thankyou for noticing.
I still do not see the whole picture.
Can you somehow show how the data changes during your interaction?
Did you validate all the related locals and rule inputs for plausibility?
Sorry i cant put the whole code here due to project constraints, and yes i have validated all the related locals and rule inputs. The same CustomPicker code is reused on some of the places and I am getting the same issue.
Its only happening when i am pasting the value in custom picker field by following above mentioned steps, if I type the characters one by one then its providing the suggestions.
You did not mention that this only happens when copy&pasting the search text. Could it be that there is a trailing new-line?
No there is no new-line trailing, I have already attached the code which i am using for custompicker
You wrote: "Its only happening when i am pasting the value in custom picker field by following above mentioned steps, if I type the characters one by one then its providing the suggestions."
It seems like this makes the difference.
The problem is with the Custom Picket Field, why custom picker while copy pasting second time does not populate values. After removing a character or putting a character one by one it works.
Why with the provided custom code does not pre-filled second time
Are you sure that your custom code is the issue? Did you try an example like this
I just checked this and do not see the behaviour you describe.
I also do not see anything wrong with the code you posted. I would try to reduce the complexity of the code to isolate the issue.