Hi, There is a custom function "isusernametaken(Username)" where

There is a custom function "isusernametaken(Username)" where the parameter Username is case-sensitive.
However, We have users both in lower and upper cases. Eg:- abc,aaa, AME,etc.,
In this case, if we pass "ABC" instead of "abc" from the UI, it says that the user is invalid(because of case-sensitivity).
If we convert the user to lower case and check the condition, then the user "AME" would become invalid(as user AME is already stored in upper case).
Do we have any other function which is case-insensitive?
How can we handle this situation.
Awaiting your early inputs!!!



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  • There are 2 ways to get this input.
    One way is through an external system.
    The other way is that an application admin selects the user from people picker. I don't think there would be any problem here.
    We get a userid(not sure whether it comes in lower or upper case), list of group ids.
    But the existing system is a mixture of users with lower and upper cases.
    As soon as the input comes, tried converting it into lower case. But, this worked well where the user id is already in lower case. It is failing for users with upper case.
    If I do no conversion to either lower/upper case, then it works provided the exact case is used for the user.
    Please provide your inputs.
  • There are 2 ways to get this input.
    One way is through an external system.
    The other way is that an application admin selects the user from people picker. I don't think there would be any problem here.
    We get a userid(not sure whether it comes in lower or upper case), list of group ids.
    But the existing system is a mixture of users with lower and upper cases.
    As soon as the input comes, tried converting it into lower case. But, this worked well where the user id is already in lower case. It is failing for users with upper case.
    If I do no conversion to either lower/upper case, then it works provided the exact case is used for the user.
    Please provide your inputs.
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