I created an interface to upload a document and i am trying to capture the document name during the upload process. Following is the piece of code for the expression rule that i have been calling in a Script task.
a!flatten( a!forEach( items: ri!attachments, expression: if( rule!app_isBlank(fv!item.attachmentType), {}, updatedictionary( dictionary: fv!item, fieldsAndValues: { recordId: ri!actionid, documentName: if( rule!app_isBlank(fv!item.documentId), null(), document(fv!item.documentId, "name") ), documentType: "", modifiedBy: "user@gmail.com", modifiedDt: now() } ) ) ) )
However, i keep getting the following error:
Expression evaluation error in rule at function a!forEach [line 2]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error at function 'document' [line 14]: Document Does Not Exist or has been Deleted) (Data Outputs)
I looked at some of the explanations on this issue but i am not able to figure it out. Thank you for the help.
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Hi there,
Some quick things to check.
Yes, the document has been uploaded and it has a valid document id. For some reason, it is just not capturing the document name and writing it to the database table.