Has anyone faced issue with char(0015)? I was trying fetching pdf text from file by splitting with char(0015). However, everything contains 15 in a document file is removed or replaced with blank value. Here is the code I tried for the same.
local!text: getpdftext(document: 32030),
local!test: a!map(id: "header", value: local!text),
local!text1: split(
/*local!test, char(0015)*/
substitute(local!test, char(13), ""), char(10)
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Shouldn't this be rather
substitute(local!test.value, char(13), ""), char(10)
Thanks, Stefan Helzle for reaching out to us.Char(0015) gets you row-wise raw data almost like how it exits on pdf. However, the substitute function makes data lengthy.
Sorry, I do not understand what you want to achieve or why you replace characters. Very confusing ...
Actually, char(0015) removes digit 15 in the pdf file. let's say- if price value is 1,15678
This char(0015) removes 15 from the price value and get a value of 1,678.Is there a way, we can protect this value?
It is almost impossible to support you without knowing what you do. And I do not want to spend my time on assumptions and guesswork.
char(15) does not remove anything, but return the character on slot 15 on the ASCII table.
Would you please provide enough information so that others can replicate your use case!