a!localVariables( local!metadataJSON: if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(ri!metadataJSON), a!fromJson(ri!metadataJSON), null ), local!result: a!forEach( items: local!metadataJSON, expression: a!localVariables( local!section: fv!item, a!forEach( items: local!section.questions, expression: a!localVariables( local!questionrow: fv!item.questionrow, a!forEach( items: local!questionrow, expression: if( fv!item.questiontitle = ri!targetField, updatedictionary(fv!item, { "responsetext": ri!value }), null ) ) ) ) ) ), local!metadataJSON )
I have a nested json. I need to update its field "responestext" if its questiontitle is equal to the parameter. Then return the new json. But the original variable metadataJSON is not updated. Is there any function to update the origin value?
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Can you paste the JSON here as code for better debugging?
[ { "customkey": "", "sectioninstructions": "", "sectionparent": "root", "questions": [ { "customkey": "", "rowlabelstyle": "", "rowlabel": "CV Submission", "questionrow": [ { "customkey": "", "ismandatory": "", "questiontooltip": "", "questionid": 1, "readonly": "", "questioninstructions": "", "questiontitle": "CV Upload", "responsetype": "recordaction", "responsevalue": "", "responsetext": "", "parentid": 1 } ] } ], "sectionlevel": 1, "nestedjson": "", "sectionstyle": "bold", "sectiontype": "card", "collapsible": true, "sectionname": "Questionnaire", "objectid": 1, "parentid": 0 } ]
This is the json. I need to update the "responsevalue" for the item in the "questionrow"
What are the values of targetField and value Rule Inputs?
targetField is "CV Upload".Value is a string. You can set it anything