I am parcticing with the a!queryRecordType() function and I realized in return one field called identifiers where the primiary key is returned and I would like to know if I could transform it together with the data field into a map where the identifiers values are the keys and the data values are the values.
For example:
identifiers : {12,20}
data : {"first value", "second value"}
Transform it into
{12: "first value",
20: "second value}
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If you have the Dictionary Manipulation plugin:
a!localVariables( local!identifiers:{12,20}, local!data:{"first value","second value"}, a!flatten( a!forEach( items: local!identifiers, expression: cast(typeof({a!map()}),createdictionary(fv!item,local!data[fv!index])) ) ) )
That still gets you a list of maps, though. If you want them in a single text, you can joinarray(a!flatten...,",")
Here's a way to do it that doesn't require the Dictionary Manipulation plugin. Note that the keys cannot key integers, they need to be Strings (hence the cast).
a!localVariables( local!keys: { 12, 20 }, local!values: { "first value", "second value" }, local!keyValues: a!forEach( items: local!keys, expression: a!map( key: fv!item, value: index(local!values, fv!index, null) ) ), a!update( a!map(), cast(typeof({ "" }), local!keyValues.key), local!keyValues.value ) )