Hi All,
I am having two times saves in 2 variables
Eg: 1) 2/5/2023 9:00 AM GMT+05:30. 2) 2/5/2023 8:00 PM GMT+05:30
now my ask is what function we should use in order to get the output like output : 11 hrs or in minuts
and also same for dates
Thank you
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After.. decrypting.. your question, I understood that you want to find the difference in time between 2 date/dateTime values, here you go mate; this should help:
a!localVariables( local!firstDateTime: now(), local!secondDateTime: subtractminutes(subtracthours(now(), 4), 15), local!timeDifference: elapsedtime( local!secondDateTime, local!firstDateTime ), a!map( mintuesDifference: local!timeDifference[5], hoursDifference: local!timeDifference[4], dateDifference: elapseddays( local!secondDateTime, local!firstDateTime ), hoursWithMinutes: time( local!timeDifference[4], local!timeDifference[5] ) ) )
Thank you for the answer elapseddays() function is not avaliable
elapsedtime()... my locals' names are self-explanatory, its right there mate, I recommend reading the function description to fully understand it.
Its a custom function, available under this plugincommunity.appian.com/.../date-and-time-utilities