I have following code in my expression rule, its giving the data correctly but when i apply sorting it is working fine for all the other fields but for the fields: "Headlines" and "ArticlePostDate" it shows empty data, doesn't return any data. These two are the fields that are not part of the main table and i am referencing it from another table that could be the cause that its not showing any data when I apply sorting in them. Can anyone please help what to do in this scenario.
a!localVariables( local!sortField_txt: rule!EF_PlantDashboard_NewsPagingMapping( sortField_txt: ri!pagingInfo_pi.sort.field ), local!oDataQuery_txt: concat( "/Internal/Editable/ABC?editable=true&includeDeleted=true&$expand=Article($select=ArticlePostDate,Headline)&$filter=Key+eq+", ri!Key, "&$count=true&$top=", cons!EF_PLANTDASHBOARD_NEWS_PAGESIZE, "&$skip=", ri!pagingInfo_pi.startIndex - 1, "&$orderby=", local!sortField_txt, if( ri!pagingInfo_pi.sort.ascending, "+asc", "+desc" ) ), local!integrationResponse_at: rule!IntOData_GetRequest( oDataQuery_txt: local!oDataQuery_txt ), local!isSuccess_bl: rule!OData_IsRequestSuccessful( integrationResponse_at: local!integrationResponse_at ), local!rawData_at: rule!OData_ExtractResponse( integrationResponse_at: local!integrationResponse_at, isSuccess_bl: local!isSuccess_bl ), local!count_int: rule!OData_GetTotalCount( integrationResponse_at: local!integrationResponse_at, isSuccess_bl: local!isSuccess_bl ), local!dataset_map: if( local!isSuccess_bl, a!forEach( items: local!rawData_at, expression: a!map( KeyArticles: fv!item.KeyArticles, KeyDoc: fv!item.KeyDoc, Key: fv!item.Key, Headline: cast(typeof("a"), index(fv!item.Article, "Headline", {})), ArticlePostDate: cast(typeof(now()), index(fv!item.Article, "ArticlePostDate", {})), UpdOperation: fv!item.UpdOperation, UpdOperationLabel: if( tointeger(fv!item.UpdOperation) = 0, "New", if( tointeger(fv!item.UpdOperation) = 1, "Updated", "Deleted" ) ), UpdDate: fv!item.UpdDate, AppStatus: fv!item.AppStatus, AppStatusLabel: if( tointeger(fv!item.AppStatus) = 2, "Approved", "Not Approved" ) ) ), {} ), a!dataSubset( startIndex: ri!pagingInfo_pi.startIndex, batchSize: ri!pagingInfo_pi.batchSize, sort: ri!pagingInfo_pi.sort, totalCount: local!count_int, data: local!dataset_map, identifiers: index(local!dataset_map, "KeyArticles", {}) ) )
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This is so much code, so much hidden logic and a non-trivial question. I do not see how anyone could help here.