How to add the timer into the interface ?

Certified Associate Developer

i was creating the question bank application in which i want the particular exam to be end in that specific time so how can i do that ? 

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    Declare a local variable with the time period and have show when for specific section  in the interface 


    /* specify the time in minutes or hours when you want to end the exam */
    local!flag: now() + minutes * 30,
    local!showWhen: a!refreshVariable(
    value: now() < local!flag,

    /* specify the interval after how many minutes you want to end the exam */
    refreshInterval: 30
    showWhen: local!showWhen,


    Hope this will work

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    Declare a local variable with the time period and have show when for specific section  in the interface 


    /* specify the time in minutes or hours when you want to end the exam */
    local!flag: now() + minutes * 30,
    local!showWhen: a!refreshVariable(
    value: now() < local!flag,

    /* specify the interval after how many minutes you want to end the exam */
    refreshInterval: 30
    showWhen: local!showWhen,


    Hope this will work
