To display wait time which is waiting for more than a day.

Hi All,

To display wait time which is waiting for more than a day.

We are converting createdDate(date time format) in days and hours. 
Now, ask is to display the WAIT TIME only when it is more than 1D 0H.
But, queryFilter field is createdDate(date time format). In that case how can we display this.

Query Filter which I'm using at present  (I know it's not correct), could anyone help me in getting this expression correct.

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Stefan,
    Thanks for this solution, but this is not working for my scenario.

    I made it like this - 
    field: 'recordType!{39912480-f504-4c6a-b988-5e3267682493}.fields.{createdDate_date}createdDate_date',
    operator: "<",
    value: a!subtractDateTime(
    startDateTime: 'recordType!{39912480-f504-4c6a-b988-5e3267682493}.fields.{createdDate_date}createdDate_date',
    hours: 10,
    useProcessCalendar: false /* Make this true to respect working time */

    It's giving expression evalulaion error:

    Expression evaluation error at function a!gridField [line 701]: Expression evaluation error at function a!queryFilter [line 722]: Could not cast from Record Field to Date and Time for the startDateTime parameter.
