Trying to map entries that full under the same month together and return count for total entries in that month
with( local!metrics: rule!OCSC_getNumOfTierTwoRequestsSubmitted( startDate: ri!startDate, endDate: ri!endDate, ), local!asmts: a!forEach( items: local!metrics, expression: { svc_request_id: fv!item.svc_request_id, totalServicesPerformed: fv!itemCount, date: fv!item.created_datetime, month: month(fv!item.created_datetime), year: year(fv!item.created_datetime) } ), local!mergedRows: local!asmts, /* create list of maps with sum of collective asmts done by year-month */ local!dates: a!forEach( items: local!mergedRows, expression: { month: fv!item.month, year: fv!item.year } ), local!datesDist: union(local!dates, local!dates), local!prepared: a!forEach( items: local!datesDist, expression: with( local!dateIndex: fv!item, a!map( month: fv!item.month, year: fv!item.year, date: concat(fv!item.month, "/", fv!item.year), totalServicesPerformed: sum( index( a!forEach( items: local!mergedRows, expression: if( and( fv!item.month = local!dateIndex.month, fv!item.year = local!dateIndex.year ), fv!item, {} ) ), "totalServicesPerformed" ) ) ) ) ), todatasubset( local!prepared, a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: - 1, sort: { a!sortInfo(field: "year", ascending: true), a!sortInfo(field: "month", ascending: true) } ) ).data )
Right now I am getting the incorrect count. Count should be 1 count for the month of April and 3 counts for the month of May.
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Is there a reason to not use the build it aggregation capabilities?