ccalworkhours not giving correct result on Friday.

Hi Members,
I am trying to calculate the working hours between two different time using calworkhours function.
It is giving perfect result for all the days except on Fridays. I have check my calendar setting as well . Friday's setting is same as other working days.
I have pasted the Screenshot of Calendar and Expression along with it's result.

EscalationCalendar Image : 

Expression Rule and it's Result Image :  

I am expecting 6 hours but it's giving 2 hours and it is same for every Friday.

Please help on this ASAP.

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to abduss0004

    Yeah, I was strictly referring to the example Sanchit posted here.  For the examples you posted at the top, GMT conversion doesn't even seem like it could be a factor into it (unless your system calendar's timezone is much more offset than I suspected).

    Out of curiosity though, what happens if you wrap the initial inputs in "local()" and/or "gmt()" before calling the rule?  One of these converts a datetime value TO local time FROM gmt time, and the other does the opposite, and I never reliably remember which one is needed at a given time, but i do know that they ARE needed SOMETIMES.
