Interface is holding Dict TypeProcess model is holding Map Type
Clash b/w the dataTypes while triggering PM.Could you please help me to convert dict to map before triggering?
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cast( typeof({a!map()}), { name: "Harshit", website: "", blog: "" } )
I try to avoid using typeof and reference the type directly.
cast( type!Map, { name: "Harshit", website: "", blog: "" } )
To each their own :)
I personally find typeof more predictiable than using direct types because of the auto-complete which is hit and miss
Same. I agree. Also, it becomes difficult when you have to cast to a list of that type.
By habit I also use typeof() but a list using type!map is still straightforward (unless I'm missing something)
cast( a!listType(type!Map), { { name: "Harshit", website: "", blog: "" }, { name: "Stefan", website: "", blog: "" } } )
cast( 'type!Map?list', { { name: "Harshit", website: "", blog: "" }, { name: "Stefan", website: "", blog: "" } } )