Email Validation on paragraph field

In paragraph text , I want email validation

I would like to have email validation in such a way that it should accept only email like ,only mails it should validate and if it doesn't have at the end then throw error at the line
( in our case )

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  • You can split the paragraph field's value into its individual lines (use char(10) as the separator) and then you will have an array that you can loop over and conduct your email validation logic over. You won't be able to highlight any erroneous values but you could call out the line number and the value in your validation error message.

    I'm with  though - you'd be better off with a grid of separate email values. I'd challenge the "requirement" as it sounds more like a solution.

  • You can split the paragraph field's value into its individual lines (use char(10) as the separator) and then you will have an array that you can loop over and conduct your email validation logic over. You won't be able to highlight any erroneous values but you could call out the line number and the value in your validation error message.

    I'm with  though - you'd be better off with a grid of separate email values. I'd challenge the "requirement" as it sounds more like a solution.

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