a!gridColumn( label: "Conformance", sortField: "adherence", value: a!richTextDisplayField( label: "Adherence", value: { a!richTextItem( text: if( rule!INO_isBlank(fv!row.adherence), "-", fixed(fv!row.adherence, 2) & "%"/*text(fv!row.adherence /100, "##.##%")*/ ), link: a!dynamicLink( value: fv!row.employee, saveInto: { ri!selectedEmployee, a!save(ri!selectedEmployeeRow, fv!identifier) }, showWhen: and( and( not(isnull(ri!showDynamicLinks)), ri!showDynamicLinks ), fv!row.adherence <> 0, not(or(fv!row.employee.isTeamLead)) ) ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE", color: "STANDARD", size: "MEDIUM", style: if( and(fv!row.employee = ri!selectedEmployee), "STRONG", "PLAIN" ) ), " ", a!richTextIcon( icon: if( isnull(fv!row.adherence), null, if( todecimal(fv!row.adherence) >= todecimal(local!adhereranceTarget.targetValue), "check-circle", "minus-circle" ) ), caption: "Target Minimum: 95%", showWhen: and(fv!row.adherence <> 0), color: if( isnull(fv!row.adherence), null, if( todecimal(fv!row.adherence) >= todecimal(local!adhereranceTarget.targetValue), cons!INO_HEX_POSITIVE, cons!INO_HEX_NEGATIVE ) ), size: "MEDIUM" ) } ) ),
This error is showing after clicking "Conformence" column. Because this data came from stored procedure and that's why "sortField" not working proper and we are getting this error. How to sort then?
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It seems you can not sort by a complex type, the column values must be primitive type. Convert / format the values from the store procedure to be primitive. You could check the list of primitives and complex types here: docs.appian.com/.../Appian_Data_Types.html
You can cast stored procedure output into dictionary structure using a!map() function. Also, a datasubset can be created. Use this data while creating grid instead of directly using stored procedure output.