Embed image in html email

1. Interface upload image 

2. second interface use document viewer to display image. Pulling image by document ID 

label: "Laboratory test results image",
document: ri!svcRequest.lab_images,
altText: "5 Digital Transformation Predictions for 2018 and Beyond",
height: "MEDIUM"

3. What I need is to pull the same image and display in an email. How would I go able doing so? What I am seeing is that is may not be possible. 

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  • If you want an email to contain an image then you need to add the relevant HTML tag which usually points at a server where the image is hosted. The email application, when it loads the email, parses the HTML and fetches the document from said server.

    So in your Appian solution if you're uploading a document you need to push it to the server that will host it and get a "handle" to it that you can then embed in the email's HTML.

  • =a!documentViewerField(pv!svcRequest.lab_images)

    I tried this by passing in ### image ### in email template 

    I got this response 

    [@attributes=, contents=[@attributes=, disabled=, documentUrl=https://cdernexusdev.static.fda.gov/suite/rest/a/content/latest/docview/jA0ECQMCV4K8lBQbEMIB0n0B_AmlOwvFSndODlPVPg6vqEQTqU8fE6L5yrVlWLJDHAQrfh-q21WHJtVXWuMaB4Nk8oYlRro0pV3fI40lDu9kH2wezuHWuTm3tFW4tV33kFxP9_MMr4W_5Sa90jecdhvTz1zp2WCVzzcdfb9ZzAZ6OvAHdR7EbOuFb5xVbw, documentId=612916, height=, altText=, validDomain=true, actions=], label=, labelPosition=, instructions=, instructionsPosition=ABOVE, helpTooltip=, requiredStyle=, skinName=, actions=, marginBelow=, accessibilityText=, marginAbove=, helpTooltipPosition=]

    So I tried wraping it with <img> tag and change code to 

    =a!documentViewerField(  document: pv!svcRequest.lab_images)

    but got a black response in the email 

    What would you recommend? 

  • =a!documentViewerField(pv!svcRequest.lab_images)

    I tried this by passing in ### image ### in email template 

    I got this response 

    [@attributes=, contents=[@attributes=, disabled=, documentUrl=https://cdernexusdev.static.fda.gov/suite/rest/a/content/latest/docview/jA0ECQMCV4K8lBQbEMIB0n0B_AmlOwvFSndODlPVPg6vqEQTqU8fE6L5yrVlWLJDHAQrfh-q21WHJtVXWuMaB4Nk8oYlRro0pV3fI40lDu9kH2wezuHWuTm3tFW4tV33kFxP9_MMr4W_5Sa90jecdhvTz1zp2WCVzzcdfb9ZzAZ6OvAHdR7EbOuFb5xVbw, documentId=612916, height=, altText=, validDomain=true, actions=], label=, labelPosition=, instructions=, instructionsPosition=ABOVE, helpTooltip=, requiredStyle=, skinName=, actions=, marginBelow=, accessibilityText=, marginAbove=, helpTooltipPosition=]

    So I tried wraping it with <img> tag and change code to 

    =a!documentViewerField(  document: pv!svcRequest.lab_images)

    but got a black response in the email 

    What would you recommend? 
