how to convert a workday function output to Date & Time instead of just date

Certified Associate Developer

Hi All,

I want the output of a workday function to be Date&Time instead of just Date. Please advise on how I can wrap the below logic to get the output as Date& Time:

todatetime("01/01/2024 7:01 AM"),
caladddays(todatetime("01/01/2024 7:01 AM"), 0, "Default Calendar")
) - dayofyear(todatetime("01/01/2024 7:01 AM"))

I need the output to be 1/2/2024 7:01 AM instead I just get 1/2/2024.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    What are you trying to do exactly?

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Mathieu Drouin

    Hi Mathieu,  I have a scenario where if an expected SLA date&time falls on a non-working day, I need to get next working day value.

    For example, I have my initial submitted date as 12/27/2023 2:01 PM PST and expected SLA date time based on some biz logic should be 1/2/2024 7:01 AM PST. I have used the below logic but somehow instead of getting the SLA date result for next year as 1/2/2024 7:01 AM PST, I am getting the SLA date result in the same year as 1/2/2023 7:01 AM PST.
    Please note correct process calendars are used and Dec 30 2023,  Dec 31 2023 and Jan 1 2024 are all set as non-working day in the calendar.

    Please help/advise on how I can update to get the correct value: ( I tried using workday but it returns just date and not datetime)

    calisworkday(1/1/2024 7:01 AM PST, local! Calendar),
    1/1/2024 7:01 AM PST,
    1/1/2024 7:01 AM PST + (dayofyear(caladddays(1/1/2024 7:01 AM PST, 0, local! Calendar)) - dayofyear(1/1/2024 7:01 AM PST))

  • 0
    Appian Employee
    in reply to manam

    As an approach treat the date and time as separate components. From your original value you an extract the date and time as separate values.

    The apply your workday() function to the date component and then use the new date and old time components to generate a datetime value.

    If you're still stuck ask.

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