Convert numbers to Thousand/Million Symbol

Hi, Is there an existing function on Appian to convert this value for example 100,000 to 100k? this goes on by million or billion. Thanks2

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  • yes, by question phrase OP said value can be million or billion, assuming it can go more than  number(integer) range in Appian which can be an issue, if it is below than that    ->

    /*you can use round funcction to display values after decimal 
    for ex bellow cade will give you 100K for 100000, and 100.543K for 100543 to round up the result by 1 or 2 decimal 
    you can use round function to get desired result e.g - 100.5k*/
      or(len(ri!number) < 4, len(ri!number) > 10),
        value: len(ri!number),
        whenTrue: fv!value < 7,
        then: concat(ri!number / 1000, "k"),
        whenTrue: fv!value < 10,
        then: concat(ri!number / 1000000, "M"),
        default: concat(ri!number / 1000000000, "B")

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