I am using the pickerFieldUsers component on 7.5 to display all users from group

I am using the pickerFieldUsers component on 7.5 to display all users from group A who are not in group B. I have got a rule to bring back an array of users and I want to bind the pickerFieldUsers component to that array, using the groupFilter parameter. However, groupFilter only accepts a value of type "Group". Is there a way to bind this picker to an array of users? Or maybe an expression to convert an array of users to a group type?




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  • I was using a custom picker originally, binding it to an array of users returned from this rule (GroupB is a subset of GroupA):

    getgroupmemberuserspaging(cons!GroupA, 0, 2500),
    getgroupmemberuserspaging(cons!GroupB, 0, 2500)

    It works fine when there aren't many users (few hundreds), but on environments where there are thousands of users, the performance is very slow during loading of the page and when searching for users. That is why I wanted to switch to using the new pickerFieldUsers component.

    I have looked into creating a rule-based group, but I don't think there are membership rules in place to mimic what I want to do up there. Unless I am missing something? Any suggestions?

  • I was using a custom picker originally, binding it to an array of users returned from this rule (GroupB is a subset of GroupA):

    getgroupmemberuserspaging(cons!GroupA, 0, 2500),
    getgroupmemberuserspaging(cons!GroupB, 0, 2500)

    It works fine when there aren't many users (few hundreds), but on environments where there are thousands of users, the performance is very slow during loading of the page and when searching for users. That is why I wanted to switch to using the new pickerFieldUsers component.

    I have looked into creating a rule-based group, but I don't think there are membership rules in place to mimic what I want to do up there. Unless I am missing something? Any suggestions?

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