rule!Is primenumber{}
how to implement it correctly when I want to get it in a specific range ?
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Use this, where lower and uppper are the limits of the range you want to work with.
a!localVariables( local!lower: enumerate(ri!lower) + 1, local!upper: enumerate(ri!upper) + 1, local!value: remove(local!upper, wherecontains(local!lower, local!upper)), local!count: a!forEach( items: local!value, expression: sum(mod(fv!item, enumerate(fv!item) + 1) = 0) <= 2 ), index(local!value, wherecontains(true, local!count)) )
not working
I just tried the sample code posted and it works fine for me. What are you trying, exactly, and what result are you getting, to make you think it isn't working?