Practicing Document Extraction AI skill and having one issue in script Task

Certified Associate Developer

So I was practicing new skill of document Extraction , but I am stuck at one place while I am trying to run a script task for code below 


so I am targeting value to isValidate variable as my all values is true then too isValidate Variable is showing false and I checked my XOR decision too but I guess something is wrong with Script Task can anyone pls suggest me best Practice For this Slight smile

and I am using Cdt 


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    Certified Lead Developer

    One thing I'd suggest is to encapsulate that big and() statement into an expression rule, and in that expression rule just pass the entire CDT as a single rule input.  That will make it easier to update in the future if you decide to add (or remove) required fields, and also will allow you to test easily.  I'm not clear why your statement might be evaluating as FALSE when you're expecting a TRUE (i assume this is your issue, you don't exactly clarify), but the first thing to do would be to troubleshoot a bit more which is a lot easier in the Rule editor.
    (if it were me, the first thing I'd do is triple check against any typos, though.