Add line break in Confirmation message of button

Certified Senior Developer


I have a local variable local!tasks containing a list.

In the confirmation message of a button I would like to concatenate a text with the local variable.

Eg : Are you sure want to & local!tasks

I want to display the list of tasks in next line 

eg : Are you sure want to 




inside confirmation message of a button

I am using char(10) but it is not working as expected. Is there any way to show like this in confirmation message of a button?

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    I have an edge case scenario regarding the confirmation message.

    I need to show the confirmation message only if the user fills the Paragraph field.

    eg : I have a paragraph field where the user enters the text and click on submit. After clicking the submit button I am showing the confirmation message..

    I should not show the confirmation message if the user does not enter anything in the paragraph field and I am showing validation message in the paragraph field. I am storing the text in a local variable . ie local!note

    I gave the condition like if a!isnullorempty(local!note),{},"Message").

    the value is stored in the local variable only when the user clicks outside the paragraph field. If the user clicks on the submit after entering the text and without clicking outside the field then the variable is not storing the value and the form is getting submitted without the confirmation message.

    When we click on submit we are saving the note(paragraph field) in rule input from the local variable.

    How to handle this scenario

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    I have an edge case scenario regarding the confirmation message.

    I need to show the confirmation message only if the user fills the Paragraph field.

    eg : I have a paragraph field where the user enters the text and click on submit. After clicking the submit button I am showing the confirmation message..

    I should not show the confirmation message if the user does not enter anything in the paragraph field and I am showing validation message in the paragraph field. I am storing the text in a local variable . ie local!note

    I gave the condition like if a!isnullorempty(local!note),{},"Message").

    the value is stored in the local variable only when the user clicks outside the paragraph field. If the user clicks on the submit after entering the text and without clicking outside the field then the variable is not storing the value and the form is getting submitted without the confirmation message.

    When we click on submit we are saving the note(paragraph field) in rule input from the local variable.

    How to handle this scenario
