= a!forEach( pv!documentos, a!update( fv!item, 'recordType!{GC Documento .fields.{389973d7-a3f2-4ce3-aafb-9c2021e72ce9}propostaId', pv!idProposta ) )
Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible
Can you share the state of that process variable before you try to write it to the record?
This thread might be helpful: https://community.appian.com/discussions/f/data/30937/the-input-records-must-refer-to-record-types-with-data-sync-enabled-that-use-a-database-as-the-source-received-the-record-type-name-which-is-related-to-the-the-record-given-in-input?pifragment-13604=2
It could be related to the version of Appian you're running and if you related record data type is from a different source.
Alternatively, did you try using a constructor instead of an update statement?
I encountered the same issue and tried to use record relation instead of the common field, which resolved the problem for me.
Stefan Helzle said:Can you share the state of that process variable before you try to write it to the record?
- pv!comment is saved using "Write Record" node then update the "pv!comment" using the same node