Hi everyone,
I have a use case where a due date will be the 2nd Wednesday of the next month of given month and year.
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Here is a quick method by looping to find the second Wednesday of next month:
a!localVariables( local!targetMonth: if(ri!month=12,1,ri!month+1), local!targetYear: if(ri!month=12,ri!year+1,ri!year), local!targetDay: index( reject( a!isNullOrEmpty, a!forEach( items: 1+enumerate(daysinmonth(local!targetMonth,local!targetYear)), expression: if(weekday(date(local!targetYear,local!targetMonth,fv!item),1)=4,fv!item,null) ) ), 2, null ), date(local!targetYear,local!targetMonth,local!targetDay) )
Hi rupalis645561 ,Please check the below code :
a!localVariables( local!dates: a!forEach( items: enumerate(daysinmonth(ri!month + 1, ri!year)) + 1, expression: { date(ri!year, ri!month + 1, fv!item) } ), local!weeks: weekday(local!dates), index( local!dates, index(wherecontains(4, local!weeks), 3) ) )
I hope this code is performant and reduce complexity.
Here's a method which goes to the first day of the month after now() and calculates the offset to the first Wednesday then just adds 7 days to get to the second Wednesday. The local!now variable was just to easily test. Code can easily be adjusted if the input isn't just a date and time (ie. If you needed to specify a month and year).
a!localVariables( local!now: a!addDateTime(startDateTime: now(), months: 0), local!firstDayOfNextMonth: eomonth(local!now,0) + 1, local!dayValueOfFirstDayInMonth: weekday(local!firstDayOfNextMonth), local!firstWednesdayOfMonthOffset: mod(7 - local!dayValueOfFirstDayOfMonth + 4, 7), local!firstWednesdayOfMonth: local!firstDayOfNextMonth + local!firstWednesdayOfMonthOffset, local!secondWednesdayOfMonth: local!firstWednesdayOfMonth + 7, local!secondWednesdayOfMonth )