local!data: { { name: "John", status: "Active", test: 10 }, { name: "John", status: null, test: 4 }, { name: "Alice", status: "Active", test: 5 }, { name: "Alice", status: null, test: 6 }, { name: "Bob", status: null, test: 8 } }
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So you want to remove the duplicate null with null status right. Hope the code will help
a!localVariables( local!data: { { name: "John", status: "Active", test: 10 }, { name: "John", status: null, test: 4 }, { name: "Kiran",status: null, test: 10}, { name: "Kiran",status: "Active", test: 10}, { name: "Alice", status: "Active", test: 5 }, { name: "Alice", status: null, test: 6 }, { name: "Bob", status: null, test: 8 } }, local!uniqueNames:union(index(local!data,"name",null),index(local!data,"name",null)), local!DuplicateUsers:reject(fn!isnull,a!forEach( items: local!uniqueNames, expression: if( count(wherecontains(touniformstring(fv!item),touniformstring(index(local!data,"name",null))))>1, fv!item, null() ) )), local!duplicateUserIndexes:index(local!data,wherecontains( touniformstring(local!DuplicateUsers), touniformstring(index(local!data,"name",null)) ),null), reject(fn!isnull,a!forEach( items: local!duplicateUserIndexes, expression: if( touniformstring(index(fv!item,"status",null))=touniformstring(null), null, fv!item ) )) )
I'm not sure how this use case has come about but it appears to me that something has gone wrong to require doing this manipulation. I don't feel good about the below solution because it relies on too many assumptions and just feels flimsy. Having said that, I hope the below helps.
I think this is the output you are looking for:
{ { name: "John", status: "Active", test: 4}, { name: "Alice", status: "Active", test: 6}, { name: "Bob", status: null, test: 8} }
The code:
a!localVariables( local!data: { { name: "John", status: "Active", test: 10 }, { name: "John", status: null, test: 4 }, { name: "Alice", status: "Active", test: 5 }, { name: "Alice", status: null, test: 6 }, { name: "Bob", status: null, test: 8 } }, a!forEach( items: local!data, expression: a!localVariables( local!name: index( fv!item, "name", {} ), local!status: index( fv!item, "status", {} ), local!indexesWhereNameMatches: where( local!name = index( local!data, "name", {} ) ), local!hasDuplicate: length(local!indexesWhereNameMatches) > 1, /*Assume only one duplicate is possible*/ local!duplicateIndex: if( local!hasDuplicate, difference( local!indexesWhereNameMatches, fv!index ), {} ), /*Assume duplicate will always have null status and therefore to use that test value*/ local!testValueToUse: if( local!hasDuplicate, index( index( index( local!data, local!duplicateIndex, {} ), "test", {} ), 1, {} ), index( fv!item, "test", {} ) ), local!statusIsNull: a!isNullOrEmpty(local!status), local!replaceTestValue: and( local!hasDuplicate, not(local!statusIsNull) ), local!removeIndex: and( local!statusIsNull, local!hasDuplicate ), local!allDetailsNeeded: a!map( name: local!name, status: local!status, hasDuplicate: local!hasDuplicate, statusIsNull: local!statusIsNull, replaceTestValue: local!replaceTestValue, testValueToUse: local!testValueToUse, removeIndex: local!removeIndex ), if( local!removeIndex, {}, a!update( data: fv!item, index: "test", value: local!testValueToUse ) ) ) ) )
Assuming this is the output you were looking for:
{ "name": "John", "status": 10, "test": null }, { "name": "Alice", "status": 5, "test": null }, { "name": "Bob", "status": null, "test": 8 }
This will:
a!localVariables( local!data: { { name: "John", status: "Active", test: 10 }, { name: "John", status: null, test: 4 }, { name: "Alice", status: "Active", test: 5 }, { name: "Alice", status: null, test: 6 }, { name: "Bob", status: null, test: 8 } }, local!cleanData: a!forEach( items: local!data, expression: a!localVariables( local!dataWithoutCurrentItem: remove(local!data, fv!index), local!hasDuplicates: count( index( local!dataWithoutCurrentItem, wherecontains( fv!item.name, local!dataWithoutCurrentItem.name ) ) ) > 0, if( and( local!hasDuplicates, a!isNullOrEmpty(fv!item.status) ), null, if( a!isNotNullOrEmpty(fv!item.status), a!map( name: fv!item.name, status: fv!item.test, test: null ), fv!item ) ) ) ), reject(a!isNullOrEmpty, local!cleanData) )