Hi Team,
I was unable to get the data with the below condition that passing one ID should get CaseID: 1234 and passing more than one than one ID should get CaseID: Multiple ID
a!localVariables( local!data: a!queryEntity( entity: cons!BEMS_ENTITY_PAYABLE_CASE_VIEW, query: a!query( aggregation: a!queryAggregation( a!queryAggregationColumn(field: "clientName", isGrouping: true) ), filter: a!queryFilter( field: "caseId", operator: "in", value: a!flatten({ ri!caseIds }) ), pagingInfo: rule!TCO_defaultPagingInfo() ) ), { if( local!data.totalCount > 0, if( local!data.totalCount = 1, left( "Standard Template - " & proper( joinarray(local!data.data.clientName, " & ") ) & " - " & "CaseId:" & joinarray(ri!caseIds, ", "), 80 ), if( local!data.totalCount >= 2, left( "Standard Template - " & proper( joinarray(local!data.data.clientName, " & ") ) & " - " & "Multiple Case Id ", 80 ), {} ) ), {} ) })
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Duplicate: Unable to get the data with multiple ID's